B01 - Broadband sub-THz high-power amplifier system for high-field pulsed DNP

Project B01 focuses on a 263 GHz hybrid amplifier system that will serve as a new microwave source for time domain and pulsed DNP-NMR systems. It consists of a novel solid-state pre-amplifier sub-system in Si-technology, a quasi-optical power combiner / feed system and an uncon-ventional broadband vacuum tube amplifier based on a helical-type gyro-TWT concept. In frame of the CRC this interdisciplinary research project connects NMR experts with engineers in electrical and mechanical engineering to specify, design and realize a novel amplifier system for future com-pact and powerful NMR systems.


John JelonnekKIT
Project leader

Prof. Dr. John Jelonnek


Cagri UlusoyKIT
Project leader

Prof. Dr. Cagri Ulusoy


Max VöhringerKIT
Doctoral researcher

Max Vöhringer